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3 Personal Protections Every NYC Tenant Should Know

As a tenant in New York City, it's crucial to be aware of your rights and the legal protections available to you. In this blog post, we will discuss three key personal protections every NYC tenant should know. Understanding these protections can help you navigate any potential issues that may arise with your landlord and ensure a safe and secure living environment. Read More

My landlord gave court papers claim I owe rent. What to do?

#nyc #outerbridgelaw #landlordtenantattorneys #tenantsrightsMany New Yorkers have had trouble keeping up with rent payments this year. You are not alone. If you get court papers from your landlord claiming you Read More

Which website should I use to help me find a new apartment?

Resources abound to aid you in your apartment search!   which one(s) should you use? Perhaps a combination of sites? Let’s explore the pros and any cons of some popular sites. first Read More

What To Do if Landlord Doesn’t Provide Hot Water In Winter?

#nyc #outerbridgelaw #landlordtenantattorneys #tenantsrights The law requires your landlord to provide hot water all the time and heat at designated times. o Hot water must be provided every day of the year Read More

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