How to Deal With a Bad Neighbor

How to Deal With a Bad Neighbor

The world is a big place, filled with different types of people and we can’t get to choose exactly the people who live in our same apartment building. After spending so much time picking the right neighborhood, the right apartment building, and finally securing a unit, it can be incredibly frustrating to find yourself constantly bothered by bad neighbors. Whether it be smelly garbage left unattended in the hallway, endless barking of dogs down, or loud music played at all hours of the night, there will be plenty of reasons why you could grow to resent your home, even if you think it’s the most beautiful and scenic in town.

Fortunately, many of these problems are solvable if you can reach a resolution with your neighbors. Here are three helpful tips on how to manage disputes with neighbors in a way that will resolve your problem.

1. Make Sure it’s a Valid Problem

Oftentimes, we only see what is wrong in our eyes and not in what others see. Try to perceive things first in other’s perspective if what you’re identifying is really a problem. Is the amount of noise your neighbor is making really a nuisance? Or is it simply the noise that’s to be expected when you share a wall?

If you believe your problem deserves the attention you’re giving it, tell your neighbor what’s bothering you. Avoid accusations, as your neighbor may be unaware that there is a problem at all. Communicate directly and politely then propose a solution that will help minimize and expectantly delete your identified problem.

2. Verify Your Concerns with Other Neighbors

****See if anyone else has the same point of view. It can be comforting to know that others will have your back when you bring up an issue. If you’re a part of a homeowner’s association, speak up about your concerns and determine if they can help resolve issues with the person or people living next door. It is also important to do research on the rules and check lease or other housing contracts to justify the issue.

3. Seek Help or Make a Report

If you have discussed the issue with your neighbor and they are unable or unwilling to make a compromise, it may be necessary to get someone else involved. If the problem is really egregious, your landlord should step in and ultimately make a decision on the issue.

The valuable lesson here is communication. With the proper effort to address the issue, simple misunderstandings can be largely avoided. Finally, keep in mind that it’s important to bring issues up sooner rather than later. If you let a problem fester, it will only make correcting it more difficult. 

Outerbridge Law is Here to Help

Unfortunately, sometimes your neighbors aren’t the problem. Instead, your building or landlord can cause a nuisance. In these cases, it can be intimidating to bring up your concerns. However, understand that as a tenant, you have rights and landlords are required to abide by those rules.

If you think that your rights as a tenant are being violated, don’t put up with it any longer. Instead, contact Outerbridge Law today to schedule an initial case consultation.